Hey there Post High School Disciples (PhDs)! This time (after high school or returning from college) is an exciting time. New focus, a new career and new experiences are all converging as you are stepping out in faith on the nest leg of an incredible journey. We would like to welcome you to a place where the rubber meets the road. Whether that road is college, trade school, a career or simply a moment to catch your breath...we would like to help you get some traction as we run the raid with you.
Welcome to The_Well_PVBC. This group of your peers - other young adults - who are walking in the Word and learning how to apply God's truth as they go. We'd like to meet you there...at the well...where we can gather, grow, and share. You know - DO LIFE TOGETHER!
Blessed are those which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6
Find us on Instagram @The_Well_PVBC or at 9 a.m. on Sunday in the Zoe Center Small Events Room.
Call Jeff 443-280-2196 or Joanne 443-794-0535 if you have any questions (or if you're just not that into social media).

Bless Your Heart is a fitness ministry comprised of cardiovascular and strength training exercises done at your own pace and level. We will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. Bring a mat, water bottle, and 2-5 lbs. hand weights (optional). Please park near the playground and enter the Zoe Center at the playground doors.

PVBC has many other ministries to get involved in as well. God has given each of us spiritual gifts to use to build up our local church. From children to seniors, we have ministries for everyone.
Other ministries include:
Puppet Ministry
Parade Ministry
Vacation Bible School (each summer)
Cecil County Fair Ministry
Media Ministry (audio/video operations)
Nursing Home Visitation
Parade Ministry
Puppet Ministry
Summer Camp
Adult Choir (special music/drama presentations)
Cecil County Fair Ministry
Funeral Reception Committee
Michael Bible Institute (MBI)
Mission trips to foreign countries
PVBC Jail Ministry
Vacation Bible School (every summer)
Senior Coffee (each Thursday 9 - 11 am)
Other ministries include:
Puppet Ministry
Parade Ministry
Vacation Bible School (each summer)
Cecil County Fair Ministry
Media Ministry (audio/video operations)
Nursing Home Visitation
Parade Ministry
Puppet Ministry
Summer Camp
Adult Choir (special music/drama presentations)
Cecil County Fair Ministry
Funeral Reception Committee
Michael Bible Institute (MBI)
Mission trips to foreign countries
PVBC Jail Ministry
Vacation Bible School (every summer)
Senior Coffee (each Thursday 9 - 11 am)