
Dr. Harold Phillips
Senior Pastor
Facbook: Harold Phillips
Twitter: @pastorhphillips
Dr. Harold Michael Phillips has served as the Senior Pastor of Pleasant View Baptist Church for over twenty years. He is a native of South Carolina and surrendered to full-time Christian service at age 18. Dr. Phillips received his bachelor’s degree from Mid-Continent University in 1983. In 1989, he received his master's and doctorate in Biblical studies from Friendship Graduate School. He then graduated from Covington Theological Seminary in Rossville, Georgia in 1996 with a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctorate of Theology. In 2011, Dr. Phillips recieved an Honorary Doctorate of Ministry from Mid-Continent University. He and his wife, Corkie, have five children and 14 grandchildren and live in Port Deposit, Maryland.
Dr. Phillips is also the author of The Sinking/Saving of America, From Abraham to Armageddon, God's Leadership Codes, Liberty Lost, and the Barnabas series of children's books. These books are available for purchase from our Resource Center.
Dr. Phillips is also the author of The Sinking/Saving of America, From Abraham to Armageddon, God's Leadership Codes, Liberty Lost, and the Barnabas series of children's books. These books are available for purchase from our Resource Center.

Chris Engelberth
Associate Pastor
Pastor Chris grew up in Port Deposit MD, a stones-throw from Pleasant View Baptist Church. He was saved at the age of eight, but made Jesus Lord of his life in Nov of 1994. Shortly thereafter Dr. Harold Phillips baptized Chris and welcomed him into the body of Christ at PVBC. Within a few months Chris started working as a youth minister, and would answer the call of God to preach the Gospel. Since that call, Pastor Chris has been serving the Lord in ministry for 21 years, leading worship and helping wherever there is a need. One of his main passions is helping people fall deeper in love with Jesus and experience the joy associated with a life sold out to The One True God!
Pastor Chris resides in Cecil County, MD with His beautiful wife Liz, and his wonderful daughters, Laney and Zoe.
Pastor Chris resides in Cecil County, MD with His beautiful wife Liz, and his wonderful daughters, Laney and Zoe.
Mike Gentry
Children's Pastor
Facebook: MikeandChar Gentry
Pastor Mike grew up in the Kennett Square, PA area and has lived in this area most of his life. He was saved at the age of 9 in an evangelistic crusade meeting held in Kennett Square, PA. Pastor Mike was a bus kid attending Kennett Square Missionary Baptist Church. He surrendered to preach at the age of 15 and began preaching in churches in the surrounding area. He served proudly in the United States Army form 1970-1973. He did 2 church plants in Cleveland, TN. & Chattanooga, TN. He started a children’s ministry, Senior ministry and a traveling puppet ministry at New London Baptist Church before coming to Pleasant View in 2006. While at PVBC he enjoys serving as Mission Director, Prison Pastor, Parade Pastor and Children’s Pastor. He fulfilled a 2-year home Bible study from Liberty University, 3-year study at Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, TN under Dr. Lee Robinson. He and his wife Char have 3 children and 6 grandchildren and live in Oxford, PA.
Pastor Mike and Mrs. Char love to travel, camping, Dallas Cowboys & spending time together.
Pastor Mike and Mrs. Char love to travel, camping, Dallas Cowboys & spending time together.

Matthew Gullion
Youth Pastor

Amanda Humphreys
Administrative Assistant

Bart Thomas
Church Administrator

Nick Marasco
Technical Director

Gayle Leubecker
Ministry Assistant

Lora Moody
Ministry Assistant